Editing an alarm on Huawei Band 10 allows you to adjust wake-up times, reminders, or alerts to better fit your schedule. Whether you need to change the time, label, or repeat settings, making adjustments ensures that your band keeps up with your daily routine. With a few quick steps, you can modify existing alarms without setting up a new one from scratch.
The process to edit an alarm on Huawei Band 10 is straightforward, giving you control over your scheduled alerts. Instead of deleting and recreating alarms, simple changes can be made directly from the band or the companion app. This flexibility ensures that your notifications remain accurate and convenient without unnecessary effort.
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Edit An Alarm On Huawei Band 10
Open the Alarm App
Go to the apps drawer on your Huawei Band 10 and select Alarm.

Select the Alarm to Edit
Tap on the alarm you want to modify.

Change the Time
Select Time, then enter the new hour and minute.

Set Alarm Repeat
Tap No Repeat and choose the days for the alarm to repeat.

Save Changes
After making your adjustments, tap OK to confirm.